FIDE-Kandidatenturnier 2020

vom 16. März bis 4. April 2020 in Yekaterinburg

Moscow, Russia - March 17, 2020 — One of the most important events in chess starts today in Russia. 8 players from the US, China, France, Russia, and the Netherlands convene for a three-week chess marathon to determine who will challenge the incumbent World Chess Champion Magnus Carlsen. The only thing — the tournament takes place amid the unprecedented coronavirus scare in the country where all international sporting events are put on hold.

World Chess, a media company and an official partner of FIDE, the chess governing body, developed an innovative way to supplement the event’s coverage without putting the players at risk: Ken and Barbie-like models of the players are prepared and will be available for photography and filming while the players can be safe during the event.

5-inch players’ replicas, wearing suits as ties as per FIDE regulations, sitting at the chess tables, can be photographed shaking opponents hands, while the real players will avoid doing that based on the recent health advisory.

“Unlike in boxing or tennis, in chess players have not been historically docile to pose for photos, especially after losing an important game,” explains Ilya Mereznon, World Chess CEO, “Now, with the coronavirus and stress, they will probably avoid appearing in public. Having organized numerous tournaments and aware of this, World Chess will supplement the event’s coverage with photos of 5-inch replicas of the players, so the media and organizers can have more assets for the event’s coverage”

Siehe die entsprechenden Vorkehrungen zur Sicherheit der Veranstaltung.

World Chess, 3rd Floor, Fairgate House, London, United Kingdom.

==> Webseite zum Wettkampf mit sämtlichen Partien.

==> Das Kandidatenturnier 2020: Live von ChessBase

==> Das Kandidatenturnier Jekaterinburg 2020 auf Wikipedia in mehreren Sprachversionen mit Tabellen und Ergebnissen.

==> Die Highlights der ersten Hälfte des Turniers: ein Video auf YouTube von GM Huschenbeth.

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